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Where do you find your strength?

I've been reading through the Psalms, and one of my favourite Psalms that I enjoy reading is Psalm 46. It is a Psalm that we often sing at church and it is also one of my favourite hymns. I suspect that for many of us, Psalm 46 provides such comfort for our souls.

To be reminded that our Lord is our strength and our refuge. To be reminded that we can find our hiding place in him when the world is a scary place. But I wanted to ask, why can we be so confident that the LORD will be our hiding place? Why can we be confident that He will be there in times of trouble? Why can we be so sure that He will be there when we are going through the deepest darkest difficulties that we may face in our lives?

The only reason why we can find the Lord as our hope, as our strength, as our refuge is because he sent his Son to be our strength, our only hope and our only refuge. As Christ died, he proved to be the only strength against sin. As Christ rose he proved to be our only sure hope. And if he proved to conquer sin, our greatest obstacle in life, our greatest barrier between us and the LORD, then we can be absolutely certain that Jesus will be our refuge against the lesser storms of our lives.

I suppose that is why we are encouraged to “Be still and know He is God.” We are to meditate on the greatest gift that He gave, his son Jesus Christ, and what He did through his life, death and resurrection. Just as He said, “It is Finished.” Just as He ascended to heaven and declared that all power and authority has been given to Him (Matthew 28). In other words, we are to reflect on the completeness of the Good News of Jesus Christ.

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