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Distractions and Doubts


As Christians we are always seeking to grow in godliness and to have Christ at the centre of all that we think, say and do. However it is often easy for us to lose our focus, to look at the circumstances around us and to start doubting.

An example of this in the Bible is when Peter walked out on the water. He walks on the water just fine, but when he loses his focus on Christ and is looking around Him, He begins to sink.

We are sometimes like that aren’t we? When I find myself being jealous of what I don’t have, or when I find myself anxious about my own health, or when I compare my work and marriage to other people, I begin to doubt whether the Lord has my best intentions and whether I can trust Him. I can easily question His goodness to me and I can so easily lose sight of Him. I can begin to worry about my circumstances and experience a wave of emotions and slowly go down hill.

Have you experienced this in your life? The great reminder for each of us is that Christ is our source of strength and we can trust Him to carry us through life’s good times and bad times.

In Matthew 14:30 it says this,

But when Peter saw the wind, he was afraid, and beginning to sink he cried out, “Lord save me.” Jesus immediately reached out his hand and took hold of him saying to him, “O you of little faith, why did you doubt?”

What encouragement this brings. May I encourage you to set your eyes on Christ and to call on Him in the good and the bad times. Let’s not forget Him and when we do forget Him, we can be certain that He will always be there to pick us back up when we reach out to Him.

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