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Sometimes, when we go through trials and sufferings, it is easy to forget the blessings that the LORD has bestowed upon us. We can get caught up in the troubles that besiege us. It can overwhelm and it is make us wonder where the LORD is. We may ask ourselves, “Is the LORD listening? Does he care at all? Will he come to my rescue?” It can seem that the Lord is distant.

Reading through the Book of Ephesians by Paul the Apostle, we are reminded of the riches we have in Christ. He has blessed us in Christ with every spiritual blessing (1:3). Even before creation was made, we were predestined to be adopted into his family (1:5). We have been forgiven of all our sins, past, present and future (1:7-9). We are united to Christ (1:10). We have an inheritance that will never fade, rust nor be stolen (1:11). We have a guarantee that is the promised Holy Spirit (1:13). We have been saved by grace through faith (2:1-10). We have been brought into the family of God though we were outsiders (2:11-21).

As you read through the book of Ephesians, it’s hard not to see how we are richly provided for by the LORD. It’s as if Paul is helping us get our eyes off our circumstances and onto Christ and the benefits that we have through Him. When we go through the trials and sufferings of this world, may we remember the big picture of God’s grand plans for his creation. And may we remember that he is for us and not against us. May we remember that he promises to never leave us nor forsake us.

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